Milan Blagojevic (jurist)

Milan Blagojević in Gračanica is a Serbian jurist, a full-time Professor of Constitutional Law and the judge of the District Court of Banja Luka.
He gained his Bachelor’s degree in Law from the Faculty of Law, University of Sarajevo in 1991, and passed the bar exam in 1994. He earned his Master’s degree in Law Science from the Faculty of Law, University of Banja Luka in 2000 and his PhD degree from the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade in 2002. He is fluent in English and understands Russian.
His judicial career so far implies positions of the President of the Magistrates’ Court in Petrovo, Ozren, judge of the Military Court in Bijeljina, judge of the Basic Court in Doboj and judge of the Municipal Court in Travnik. He has been holding a position of a judge of the District Court in Banja Luka since 1st June 2012.
As a judge, he has taken participation in several different educational programs, some of which had international character. In May and June 2002, in Prague, Czech Republic, he completed training for judges called “Judging in a Democratic Society” organized by CEELI Institute and the American Bar Association. In June 2001 he attended educational seminar for judges and prosecutors from Bosnia and Herzegovina concerning the European Convention on Human Rights and its implementation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, organized by the Council of Europe. In period from 2002 to 2003, he completed the international one-year long distance training course for judges called “Towards a Model for a European Judge”, jointly organized by the University of Bologna and Italian Centro per l’Europa centro-orientale e Balcanica.
In 2003 and 2004 he completed summer seminar of the Legal Reform Program, which is initiative of the Johns Hopkins Center of the University of Bologna, the Faculty of Law of the University of Bologna and the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade.
He was a President of the Municipal Election Commission of the Municipality of Petrovo in a period 1996-2000, and a Head of the Department for General Administration of the Municipality of Petrovo in 2004 and 2005. In 2010 and 2011, he worked as a legal advisor to the Director of the Republic Administration for Geodetic and Property Affairs of the Republic of Srpska. For a short period he worked as Assistant Director of the Center for Education of Judges and Prosecutors of the Republic of Srpska, and the Head of the Legal Affairs Department of “The Republic of Srpska Railways”.
He held a position of the Senator of the Republic of Srpska from January to May 2017.
Milan Blagojević is a full-time Professor of the Constitutional Law and College Professor for the subjects Criminal Law and Criminal Procedural Law. He has been teaching Constitutional Law, Introduction to Law, Administrative Law, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedural Law and Major Legal Systems for 11 years at numerous higher education institutions of the Republic of Srpska. He is the author or co-author of 30 books from the field of law, and has written more than 60 scientific and expert papers from the field of law which have been published in scientific and professional magazines in Banja Luka, Sarajevo, Doboj, Belgrade, Nis and Kotor. He is a co-author of the first local university textbook International Criminal Law, published in two editions. The monographs he wrote include three practicums for court proceedings: Practicum in Criminal Procedural Law, Practicum in Civil Proceedings and Practicum in Administrative Litigation, but he was also a co-author for two practicums: Litigation in Practice and Administrative Litigation in Practice. He took participation in several scientific conferences in the country and abroad. Eight of his legal monographs have been translated into English language.


In addition to large number of articles, he is the author of the following books:
He is a co-author of two editions of the university textbook Međunarodno krivično pravo. Edition from 2007 is the first local university textbook of International Criminal Law written in the Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
He is also a co-author of the book
He is a co-author of the following books :