Mike & Molly (season 3)
The third season of the television comedy series Mike & Molly began airing on September 24, 2012 on CBS in the United States. The season is produced by Chuck Lorre Productions and Warner Bros. Television, with series creator Mark Roberts serving as executive producer along with Chuck Lorre and Don Foster. On March 14, 2012, CBS renewed Mike & Molly for a third season.
The series focuses on the title characters Mike Biggs and Molly Flynn, a couple who meet at an Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Chicago, Illinois. After Molly, a primary-school teacher, invites police officer Mike to give a talk to her class, they begin dating. Mike and Molly live in the home of Molly's mother Joyce and sister Victoria. Joyce is in an on-off relationship with widower Vince Moranto, who is often seen at the house. Mike is regularly kept company by his best friend and partner in the police force, Carl McMillan. Other prominent characters in the series include Carl's grandmother Rosetta ; Mike's mother Peggy and cafe worker Samuel. David Anthony Higgins, who plays the role of Harry, was upgraded to series regular status for this season. Season three of Mike & Molly was broadcast in the United States on Mondays at 9:30 P.M. following 2 Broke Girls.Cast