
Micromeria is a genus of flowering plants in the mint family, Lamiaceae, widespread across Europe, Asia, Africa, and North America, with a center of diversity in the Mediterranean region and the Canary Islands. It is sometimes placed within the genus Satureja. The name is derived from the Greek words μῑκρος, meaning "small," and μερίς, meaning "portion," referring to the leaves and flowers.
  1. Micromeria acropolitana Halácsy - Greece
  2. Micromeria albanica Šilic - Albania, Yugoslavia
  3. Micromeria × angosturae P.Pérez Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands '
  4. Micromeria arganietorum R.Morales - Morocco
  5. Micromeria benthamii Webb & Berthel. - Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands
  6. Micromeria × benthamineolens Svent. - Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands
  7. Micromeria biflora Benth. - Himalayas from Afghanistan to Myanmar
  8. Micromeria × bourlieri Maire & Le Lièvre - Algeria, Morocco
  9. Micromeria brivesii Batt. - Morocco
  10. Micromeria × broussonetii A.Santos, A.Acev.-Rodr. & Reyes-Bet. - Canary Islands '
  11. Micromeria browiczii Ziel. & Kit Tan - Greece
  12. Micromeria chionistrae Meikle - Cyprus
  13. Micromeria conferta Stefani - Libya
  14. Micromeria × confusa G.Kunkel & P.Pérez - Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands '
  15. Micromeria cremnophila Boiss. & Heldr. - Albania, Greece, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon
  16. Micromeria cristata Griseb. - Albania, Greece, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Iran, Cyprus
  17. Micromeria croatica Schott - Albania, Yugoslavia
  18. Micromeria cymuligera Boiss. & Hausskn. - Turkey
  19. Micromeria danaensis Danin - Jordan
  20. Micromeria debilis Pomel - Algeria, Morocco
  21. Micromeria densiflora Benth. - Tenerife in the Canary Islands
  22. Micromeria douglasii Benth. - Yerba buena - Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Montana
  23. Micromeria elliptica K.Koch - Turkey
  24. Micromeria filiformis Benth. - Corsica, Sardinia, Balearic Islands
  25. Micromeria flacca Hedge - Turkey, Iraq
  26. Micromeria flagellaris Baker - Madagascar
  27. Micromeria fontanesii Pomel - Algeria, Morocco
  28. Micromeria forbesii Benth. - Cape Verde Islands
  29. Micromeria fruticosa Druce - Eastern Mediterranean
  30. Micromeria glomerata P.Pérez - Tenerife in the Canary Islands
  31. Micromeria graeca Benth. ex Rchb. - Mediterranean from Morocco + Portugal to Turkey
  32. Micromeria guichardii Brullo & Furnari - Libya
  33. Micromeria hedgei Rech.f. - Iran
  34. Micromeria helianthemifolia Webb & Berthel. - Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands
  35. Micromeria herpyllomorpha Webb & Berthel. - La Palma in the Canary Islands
  36. Micromeria hispida Boiss. & Heldr. ex Benth. - Crete
  37. Micromeria hochreutineri Maire - Algeria, Morocco
  38. Micromeria × hybrida Zagan - Greece including Crete '
  39. Micromeria hyssopifolia Webb & Berthel. - Tenerife + El Hierro in the Canary Islands
  40. Micromeria imbricata C.Chr. - Africa from Nigeria to Ethiopia to Transvaal, Arabian Peninsula
  41. Micromeria inodora Benth. - Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Spain including Balearic Islands
  42. Micromeria × intermedia G.Kunkel & P.Pérez - Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands '
  43. Micromeria juliana Benth. ex Rchb. - Mediterranean
  44. Micromeria kerneri Murb. - Yugoslavia
  45. Micromeria lachnophylla Webb & Berthel. - Tenerife in the Canary Islands
  46. Micromeria lanata Benth. - Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands
  47. Micromeria lasiophylla Webb & Berthel. - Canary Islands
  48. Micromeria lepida Webb & Berthel. La Gomera in the Canary Islands
  49. Micromeria leucantha Svent. ex P.Pérez - Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands
  50. Micromeria longipedunculata Bräuchler - Yugoslavia, Albania
  51. Micromeria macrosiphon Coss. - Morocco
  52. Micromeria madagascariensis Baker - Madagascar
  53. Micromeria marginata Chater - Alpes Maritimes in France, Liguria + Sardinia in Italy
  54. Micromeria × meteorica Hausskn. - Greece '
  55. Micromeria microphylla Benth. - Balearic Islands, Sicily, Malta, southern mainland Italy, Crete, Cyprus, Libya
  56. Micromeria monantha R.Morales - Morocco
  57. Micromeria myrtifolia Boiss. & Hohen. - from Greece to Iran
  58. Micromeria nervosa Benth. - Mediterranean from Algeria + Balearic Islands to Turkey
  59. Micromeria × nogalesii G.Kunkel & P.Pérez - Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands
  60. Micromeria peltieri R.Morales - Morocco
  61. Micromeria × perez-pazii G.Kunkel - Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands '
  62. Micromeria persica Boiss. - Iran, Iraq, Turkey
  63. Micromeria pineolens Svent. - Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands
  64. Micromeria × preauxii Webb & Berthel. - Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands '
  65. Micromeria pseudocroatica Šilic - Yugoslavia
  66. Micromeria rivas-martinezii Wildpret - Tenerife in the Canary Islands
  67. Micromeria serbaliana Danin & Hedge - Sinai
  68. Micromeria sinaica Benth. - Sinai, Israel
  69. Micromeria sphaciotica Boiss. & Heldr. ex Benth.- Crete
  70. Micromeria sphaerophylla Baker - Madagascar
  71. Micromeria suborbicularis Borhidi - Cuba
  72. Micromeria × tagananensis P.Pérez - Tenerife in the Canary Islands '
  73. Micromeria teneriffae Benth. ex G.Don - Tenerife in the Canary Islands
  74. Micromeria tenuis Webb & Berthel. - Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands
  75. Micromeria unguentaria Schweinf. - Ethiopia
  76. Micromeria varia Benth. - Canary Islands, Madeira, Cape Verde Islands
  77. Micromeria weilleri R.Morales - Morocco
  78. Micromeria × wildpretii'' P.Pérez - Tenerife in the Canary Islands '

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