Michel Pêcheux

Michel Pêcheux was a French linguist and philosopher. He is best known for his theoretical, experimental and practical contributions to the field of discourse analysis, starting in the late 1960s.


In the 1960s, Pêcheux became involved with the journal Cahiers pour l'Analyse, where he began developing his own unique model of discourse analysis. In all of his contributions to the Cahiers, Pêcheux used the pseudonym Thomas Herbert.
He is the father of the French branch of discourse analysis, developed with concepts from historical materialism, linguistics and psychoanalysis, inspired by Louis Althusser, Ferdinand de Saussure and Jacques Lacan.
Pêcheux's work on discourse analysis had an impact in Brazil, where his writings were translated into Portuguese by Eni Orlandi, who continued his work and advanced the theory in Brazil. The subject is part of the Letters and Social Communication program at some federal universities, such as Fluminense Federal University.

Selected bibliography

;In French
;In English translation