Michel Hulin
Michel Hulin is a French philosopher specialised on Indian philosophy.Biography
Michel Hulin was born on 31 January 1936. An alumn of the École normale supérieure, he obtained his doctorate in philosophy from the Paris-Sorbonne University in 1977 with a dissertation on the Vedic concept of ahamkara. He was a professor of Indian and comparative philosophy at Paris-Sorbonne from 1981 to 1998. His research has focused on classical Indian philosophy, such as the nondualism in Vedanta, Tantric-inspired texts in Shaivism and the confrontations between European and Asian traditions of thought.Selected bibliography
- Le Principe de l'ego dans la pensée indienne classique : La notion d' ahamkara, Paris, 1978.
- Hegel et l'Orient, Paris, 1979.
- La Face cachée du temps : l'imaginaire de l'au-delà, Paris, Fayard, 1985,.
- Sept récits initiatiques tirés du yoga-vasistha : l'imaginaire de l'au-delà, Paris, Berg International, 1987,.
- La mystique sauvage, Paris, PUF, 1993,.
- Qu'est-ce que l'ignorance métaphysique ? : Śaṅkara, Paris, Vrin, 1994,.
- L'Inde inspiratrice : Réception de l'Inde en France et en Allemagne, XIXe-XXe siècles, Paris, PUS, 1997,.
- L'Inde des Sages, Paris, Ed. du Félin, 2000,.
- Comment la philosophie indienne s'est-elle développée ? : La querelle brahmanes-bouddhistes, Paris, Editions du Panama, 2008,.
- La Bhagavad-Gita, Paris, Points, coll. « Points Sagesses », 2010,.
- Shankara et la non-dualité, Paris, Almora, 2017,.