Michael Schoenberg was an American theoretical geophysicist noted for his fundamental contributions to the understanding of anisotropy in the real earth and its application to the determination of texture, fracture porosity, and flow properties of reservoirrocks.
Schoenberg, M.; 1980, Elastic wave behavior across linear slip interfaces, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 68, 1516-1521.
Schoenberg, M., 1983, Reflection of elastic waves from periodically stratified media with interfacial slip: Geophysical Prospecting, 31, 265–292.
Schoenberg, M.; and Douma, J.; 1988, Elastic wave propagation in media with parallel fractures and aligned cracks, Geophysical Prospecting, 36, 571-590.
Schoenberg, M.; and Muir, F.; 1989, A calculus for finely layered anisotropic media, Geophysics, 54, 581–589.
Hood and Schoenberg, 1989; Estimation of vertical fracturing from measured elastic moduli: Journal of Geophysical Research, 94, 15,611–15,618.
Nichols, D.; Muir, F.; and Schoenberg, M.; 1989, Elastic Properties of rocks with multiple sets of fractures: 63rd Ann. Internat. Mtg., Soc. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 471–474.
Schoenberg, M.; and J. Protazio; 1992, "Zoeppritz" rationalized and generalized to anisotropy: Journal of Seismic Exploration, 1, 125–144.
Folstad, P. G. and M. Schoenberg, 1992, Low-frequency propagation through fine layering: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 11, 1279–1281.
Hsu, C.-J., and Schoenberg, M., 1993, Elastic waves through a simulated fractured medium: Geophysics, 58, 964–977.
Schoenberg, M.; and Sayers, C.M.; 1995, Seismic anisotropy of fractured rock, Geophysics, 60, 204-211.
Coates, R.T.; and Schoenberg, M.; 1995, "Finite-difference modeling of faults and fractures", Geophysics, 60, 1514-1526.
Schoenberg, M.; Muir, F.; and Sayers, C.; 1996, "Introducing ANNIE: A simple three-parameter anisotropic velocity model for shales", J. Seis. Expl. vol. 5, 35–49.
Schoenberg, M.; and Helbig, K.; 1997, Orthorhombic media: Modeling elastic wave behavior in a vertically fractured earth, Geophysics, 62, 1954-1974.
Haugen, G. U.; and M. A. Schoenberg; 2000, The echo of a fault or fracture: Geophysics, 65, 176–189.
Liu, E., Vlastos, S., Li, X.-Y., Main, I.G. and Schoenberg, M., 2004, Modelling seismic wave propagation during fluid injection in a fractured network: Effects of changes in pore pressure on seismic waves, The Leading Edge, 23, No. 8, 778-783.
Vlastos, S., Liu, E., Main, I.G., Schoenberg, M., Maillot, B. and X.Y. Li, 2006, Dual simulation of fluid flow and seismic wave propagation in a fractured network: Effects of changes in pore pressure on seismic signature, Geophysical Journal International, 166, 825-838.
Daley, T. M., M. A. Schoenberg, J. Rutqvist, and K. T. Nihei, 2006, Fractured reservoirs: An analysis of coupled elastodynamic and permeability changes from pore pressure variation: Geophysics, 71, O33–O41.
Nakagawa, S. and Schoenberg, M., 2007, Poroelastic modeling of seismic boundary conditions across a fracture: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 122, 831-847.