Michael Kohlhase

Michael Kohlhase is a German computer scientist and professor at University of Erlangen–Nuremberg, where he is head of the KWARC research group.

Academic Positions

Michael Kohlhase is president of the OpenMath Society and a trustee of the Interest Group for Mathematical Knowledge Management. He was a trustee of the Conference on Automated Deduction and the CALCULEMUS Interest Group. He has been Conference Chair of CADE-21 and Program Chair of the KI-2006, MKM-2005, and CALCULEMUS-2000 conferences and has served on the Programme Committees of more than three dozen international conferences.
Kohlhase holds an adjunct associate professorship at Carnegie Mellon University and was vice director of the Department of Safe and Secure Cognitive Systems at German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence Lab Bremen.
In 2014, he became a member of the Global Digital Mathematics Library Working Group of the IMU.

Academic career

Michael Kohlhase obtained a degree in Mathematics from University of Bonn, a doctorate and habilitation in Computer Science at Saarland University. He has pursued his doctoral and post-doctoral research in extended research visits at Carnegie Mellon University,
University of Amsterdam, the University of Edinburgh, and SRI International. From 2000–2003, he has conducted research and taught at the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, where he was appointed to an adjunct associate professor. In September 2003 he was appointed as Professor of Computer Science at Jacobs University Bremen, and 2006–2008 he was vice director of the Department of Safe and Secure Cognitive Systems of the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence Bremen. Since September 2016 he holds the Professorship for Knowledge Representation and Processing at University of Erlangen–Nuremberg.
He has authored or edited four books and published almost 100 peer-reviewed papers.

Awards and Scholarships

;2000:3-year Heisenberg-Stipend of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
;1996:AKI-prize, dissertation prize of the "Arbeitsgemeinschaft deutscher KI-Institute "
;1991:dissertation stipend of the Studienstiftung
;1986:masters stipend of Studienstiftung

Research interests

Michael Kohlhase's current research interests include Automated theorem proving and knowledge representation for mathematics, inference-based techniques for natural language processing and semantics, and computer-supported education.
Much of his concrete work is based on web-based content markup formats like MathML, OpenMath, and OMDoc and systems for managing this data, e.g. semantic search engines for mathematical formulae, semantic extensions to LaTeX, or converting legacy LaTeX documents from the arXiv.