Mexican box turtle

The Mexican box turtle is a species of box turtle belonging to the family Emydidae. It is sometimes treated as a subspecies of Terrapene carolina.

Geographic range

This species is endemic to Mexico. It is found in the Mexican states of Tamaulipas, Veracruz and San Luis Potosí.


It lives in areas with tropical climates within humid forests at shallow rainwater puddles.


Terrapene mexicana can reach a length of about. The carapace is long and dome-shaped, with rather variable color and markings. The adult males show gray-blue nuances on the head and red or orange nuances on the front legs.


The Mexican box turtle does not have much information on them because very few of them are domesticated. However, we do know that they have a lifespan of 100 years. Usually these turtles have water nearby homes and a bush to hide. Having a home by the water will attract insects, which are a big part of their diet.

