
A metroon was an ancient Greek temple dedicated to a mother goddess. They were often devoted to Cybele, Demeter, or Rhea.


The Athenian Metroon was located on the west side of the city's Agora, in the Old Bouleuterion, which formerly housed the city council. At the end of the 5th century , the New Bouleuterion was built and the council's former home converted into a temple to Cybele. Supposedly, the Athenians had killed one of her wandering priests when he attempted to introduce her cult; the plague which then visited the city was dealt with by honoring her. The Metroon continued to serve a public function, housing the official archives of the city.


The Olympian Metroon was erected in the late 4th or early 3rd century , immediately below the terrace which housed the Treasuries.