Metadata publishing is the process of making metadata data elements available to external users, both people and machines using a formal review process and a commitment to change control processes. Metadata publishing is the foundation upon which advanced distributed computing functions are being built. But like building foundations, care must be taken in metadata publishing systems to ensure the structural integrity of the systems built on top of them.
Definition of metadata publishing
Published metadata has the following characteristics:
Metadata structures available to the general public on a public web site or by a download
There is a documented review and approval process for adding or updating data elements to the system
New releases are made available without disturbing prior versions
A publishing organization that makes a commitment to change control process
Benefits of metadata publishing
When classifying benefits of metadata publishing two groups are usually considered. External parties are usually consumers of information that are not part of the publishing organization. Internal parties are usually the various business units or departments within an organization.
Benefits to external parties
Allows external systems to have a clear understanding of the semantics of data elements in a system
Organizations that publish their metadata could make it easier for unauthorized people to find sensitive data if they breach an organization's firewall
Vendors that publish their metadata risk customers creating tools that could allow their customers to export their data from computer systems, therefore making it easier to migrate off of a vendor's system
Core process in metadata publishing
The following are some of the core processes in metadata publishing
Organizations that create applications that store data in file systems can also publish metadata definitions. One common way to perform this is to store application data in a compressed XML file format. The XML files can be uncompressed and validated against an external XML Schema. An example of this is done by the Open Source FreeMind tool.
Metadata publishing formats
HTML - used for browsing a web site and indexing by text-based search engines
Topic maps - an ISO standard for the representation and interchange of knowledge, with an emphasis on the findability of information.
KM3 or Kernel Meta Meta Model as used in the Metamodel Zoos. The is an open source library of more than 100 metamodels under EPL License. is a simple Domain Specific Language for specifying metamodels. A number of transformations are available to translate from KM3 to other notations like XMI.