Melissa Schilling

Melissa A. Schilling is an American innovation scholar and professor. She holds the John Herzog Family chair in management and organizations at NYU Stern, and she is also the Innovation Director for Stern's . She is world known as an expert in innovation, is the author of the leading innovation strategy text, , and is a coauthor of . She is also the author of. She and her work have been featured on NPR's Marketplace, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Entrepreneur, Inc., Harvard Business Review, Huffington Post, CNBC, Scientific American, and USA Today, among others. She also speaks regularly at national and international conferences as well as corporations on strategy and innovation.


Melissa Schilling earned her PhD in strategic management from the University of Washington. Her research focuses on innovation and strategy in high technology industries such as smartphones, videogames, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, electric vehicles, and renewable energies. Much of her work has focused on technology trajectories, collaboration networks and modularity. Her interest in medical innovation also led her to study neurodegenerative diseases, and she has published an influential article on the relationship between Alzheimer's and diabetes.
Professor Schilling has won numerous awards such as the 2003 National Science Foundation's CAREER Award and the Best Paper in Management Science and Organization Science for 2007. She has served on the National Academy of Sciences Committee on "Overcoming the Barriers to Adoption of Electric Vehicles," and currently serves on the Advisory Board of the American Antitrust Institute.

Selected publications