Melike Tarhan

Melike Tarhan is a Belgian-Turkish musical artist.


Tarhan was a scholarship student at Humboldt University in Berlin and graduated from Ghent University's English and German language department in 2002.


While in Berlin, she took singing lessons from Claudia Herr, and took lessons in Indian singing techniques with Mahabub Khan'dan. In 2004 at Ghent University, she studied under the Italian singing teacher Mireille Capelle, and in 2005-2006 she participated in courses with Guidon Sax in the Conservatory of Ghent.


April 2004, her first album, called Macar, was released in Paris on the Long Distance / Harmonia label.
The album is named after Macar, a boy from the village of Emirdağ. He goes away to fight in the Gallipoli Campaign, part of World War I. His mother sees him in a dream, returning home on a white horse and handing his sword on the wall. The boy never returns.
Çanakkale nerde Suvermez nerde

Her ana dayanmaz bu zalım derde

Ahmed'in babasız eğlenmez evde

Yoksa yavrum seni vurdular m'ola

Kefensiz gabire goydular m'ola
Hücum etmiş Alamanın zabiti

Yavrumun kefeni asker kabutu

Salına girmeye yoktur tabutu

Yoksa yavrum seni vurdular m'ola

Kefensiz gabire goydular m'ola