Meehyun Chung is a professor of the United Graduate School of Theology in Yonsei University and serving as the first female chaplain of Yonsei University. She was the editor of Korean Journal of Systematic Theology. She is a constructive theologian working at the intersection of systematic theology, gender theory, ecumenism and sustainable development. Her research interests focus on the relationship between European theology and theology from the Global South, or the relationship between the Reformed tradition and feminist ideas regarding critical reflection on power, spirituality and social justice. She published several books in German: one of her books, Reis und Wasser: Eine Feministische Theologie in Korea, where she examines and critiques the Korean culture and the adaptation reformed tradition in Korean theology and churches. She recently published some other books in Korean: Theological Inquiry of the Czech Tradition ; Lillias Horton Underwood.
In 2006 she was awarded the Karl-Barth prize of the Union of Protestant Churches within the EKD for her doctoral thesis and other articles. She also received Marga Buehrig prize in 2013. She named one of ten key Reformed theologians by the World Communion of Reformed Churches in 2017. She is an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea. She served as Vice president between 2001-2006 for the Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians. She also served as the Head of Women and Gender desk of mission 21 in Basel, Switzerland. Before she took this position, she taught undergraduate and graduate courses in theology and Christianity at Ewha Woman's University. Since March 2013 she has been teaching as Professor of Yonsei University and serving as the first female chaplain of Yonsei University. She has published several articles on contemporary theological issues in the Global South and North in Korean, German, and English. In her work, she seeks to stage critical conversations among global North and South, and Reformed traditions on contemporary issues.
Selected works
J.M. Lochman, Das lebendige Erbe,, 1996.
Ina Praetorius, "Entzug der Fürsorglichkeit. Feministische Ethik und Naturwissenschaft", in: Christian Thought 11/1996, 145-154.
K. Barth, Letzte Zeugnisse,, 1997.
S. Heine, Frauen der frühen Christenheit,, 1998.
M. Haas, Huldrich Zwingli,, 1999.
D. Sölle, Es muss doch mehr als alles geben,, 2000.
L. Vischer, Was haben Naturkatastrophen mit unserem Lebensstil zu tun?, in: The Word and the Church, vol. 22, Seoul 1999.
L. Vischer, Mission in Unity, in: The Word and the Church, vol. 23, Seoul 2000.
J.P. Newell, Listening for the Heartbeat of God. A Celtic Spirituality,, 2001.
R.H. Oehninger, Das Zwingliportal im Grossmünster Zürich, 2002.
J.M. Lochman, Life in the Truth, in: Christian Thought, 2002, July Seoul.
H. U. Jäger, Wiederbelebung der Reformierten Spiritualität,, 2004.
C. Stückelberger, Umwelt und Entwicklung. Eine sozialethische Orientierung, 2006.
D. Sölle, Mystik und Widerstand. Du stilles Geschrei, 2007.
Huldrich Zwingli, Göttliche und Menschliche Gerechtigkeit, in: The Word and the Church Nr. 46, 2008.
J. Staedtke. Johannes Calvin: Erkenntnis und Gestaltung,, 2009.
P. Opitz, Leben und Werk. Johannes Calvin,, 2012.
K. Barth, KD, IV/3-1,, 2016.
Meehyun Chung, ed.) Breaking Silence-Theology from Asian Women,, 2006.