Me and the Boys (TV series)

Me and the Boys is an American sitcom that aired on the ABC network from September 20, 1994 until, February 28, 1995. The series features comedian Steve Harvey, who also served as a writer, in his first starring role. The series was created by Bob Myer, Rob Dames and Lenny Ripps, and produced by a.k.a. Productions and Bob Myer Productions in association with ABC Productions.


Harvey stars as Steve Tower, a widower who ran a video store in Dallas, who was struggling with raising three boys on his own. Madge Sinclair co-starred as Steve Tower's mother-in-law Mary. Chaz Lamar Shepherd, Wayne Collins, Jr. and Benjamin LeVert played the sons of Steve Harvey's character.
The series was scheduled on Tuesdays following Full House and preceding Home Improvement. Despite ranking #20 in the ratings, ABC canceled the series after one season.



Awards and nominations