The show follows the life of Alex Riley, an inventor, businessman and Chicago Bulls fan, at three points in his life: as a 14-year-old who moves with his mother to Los Angeles in 1991 to live with his new stepfather and stepbrother; as a 40-year-old dealing with the breakup of his marriage and being a single father in the present day, while trying to navigate his way out of "inventor's block"; and as a 65-year-old in 2042 who has just retired from his immensely successful company and reconnected with his childhood love.
Cast and characters
The regular and recurring cast includes:
Bobby Moynihan as Alex Riley : An inventor recalling three stages of his life. He lives with his best friend after a divorce from his wife, and soon learns his wife wants to move away with their daughter, Abby.
* Jack Dylan Grazer as Alex Riley : A middle school student who spends much of his free time inventing. He must adjust after moving in with his new stepdad and stepbrother. He crushes on Nori, whom he meets at his new school.
* John Larroquette as Alex Riley : The billionaire owner of the major company Riley Industries, who is now retiring. He realizes his old crush Nori is his true love.
Brian Unger as Ron : Alex's stepfather.
Jaleel White as Darryl : Alex's childhood friend and business partner who lets Alex live in his garage after Alex's divorce.
*Tim Reid as Darryl
Kelen Coleman as Abby : Alex's daughter with Sarah. She is the general manager of the Chicago Bulls.
Reylynn Caster as Eleanor "Nori" Sterling : Young Alex's crush who deals with having rumors spread about her. She has a crush on Alex.
* Sharon Lawrence as Eleanor Sterling : The owner of a diner.
Ella Thomas as Jasmine : Future Alex's CFO and Darryl's daughter.
Justin Stella as Phil Ricozzi : Alex's childhood nemesis who dated Nori.
On May 12, 2017, the show was ordered to series. The series premiered September 25, 2017, on CBS and was given a thirteen episode order. On November 1, 2017, CBS pulled the series from the schedule after six low-rated episodes, leaving seven episodes unaired, and announced that the series will remain in production for all thirteen episodes and would return to the schedule at a later date. On June 7, 2018 it was announced that the show would return to the schedule on July 7, 2018 and the remaining seven episodes would air over a three-week period. The final episode aired on July 21, 2018.