Maxfield Park Children's Home

The Maxfield Park Children's home is both the largest and oldest home for displaced children in Jamaica. Founded in Kingston in September 1918, the facility houses children from all parishes ranging in age from birth to 18 years. Children are admitted to the home after having been determined to be in need of care and protection as provided by the Child Care and Protection Act, which was nationalized in 2004. Children at the facility are referred from the Jamaican Child Development Agency, The Police and The Courts.
In September 2018, administrators embarked on a new initiative to construct a mental health center at the home. As part of a US$1 million construction project, the complex will provide housing accommodation for females, aged 18–21, who have exited State care and have no other living options, over a period of two years. These facilities form part of a multi-agency project funded by the United States Agency for International Development over a period of six years at a cost of US$5.2 million.