Maurice Hurley

Maurice Hurley was an American screenwriter and producer known best for his work on .


In the 1980s, his work for television included writing scripts for The Equalizer and Miami Vice. He also produced some episodes of The Equalizer. He wrote the script for the film Firebird 2015 AD in 1981. His later TV efforts included writing and/or producing episodes for Baywatch, , 24, and La Femme Nikita.
In Star Trek: The Next Generation, Hurley was the series' initial head writer/show runner. His influence was substantial as he introduced creative elements on the series that are now part of the franchise, notably the Borg. Hurley was blamed for the firing of Gates McFadden, who played the role of Dr. Beverly Crusher, at the end of the show's first season. Executive producer Rick Berman recalled that Hurley "had a real bone to pick" with McFadden and did not like her acting. He left the series after its second season, which left the door open for Rick Berman to fire Diana Muldaur, and was replaced by Michael I. Wagner and ultimately by Michael Piller.