Matthias Kaul

Matthias Kaul was a German percussionist and composer of classical music.

Life and career

Born in Hamburg, Matthias Kaul studied percussion at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg and for five years was a member of the ensemble Hinz & Kunst in Hamburg. He performed as a guest musician with several orchestras of Northern Germany. From 1977 until 1980 he traveled through Africa in order to study the traditional music of the Xhosa, Samburu and Maasai tribes. In 1983 he founded the ensemble l'art pour l'art. In 1990, Matthias Kaul with the American violinist Malcolm Goldstein began performing in an improvisational duo. Matthias Kaul’s work comprises more than 100 compositions including chamber music, choral music, audio drama and opera. Since 1987, he has performed as a percussionist and glass harmonica player in various radio recordings and on festivals. Recordings of his work were published alongside those of Alvin Lucier, John Cage, Vinko Globokar and Christian Wolff. Mathias Kaul invented numerous musical instruments such as the “Matthias Kaul overtone drum” and the overtone triangle. With his wife, the flautist Astrid Schmeling, he taught a yearly composition master class for children since 1999.

Awards and recognition

Chamber Music (Selection)