Maryoku Yummy

Maryoku Yummy is an American children's animated television series that aired on The Hub from October 11, to November 15, 2010. It is based on the 2001 greeting card character, Maryoku Yummy. The show's intellectual property was created by Jeffrey Conrad of American Greetings. The show's production began in 2007 with a deal with DQ Entertainment.


Maryoku Yummy is set in a whimsical world known as Nozomu. It is populated by the Yummy, and small creatures called wishes, the latter from children which are sent here and become granted by Wish Sitters. A trio of Wish Sitters, Maryoku, Ooka and Fij Fij, assists their wishes to become true. So far the only wish not granted, but lives in Nozomu with the Yummy, is a yellow and blue wish by the name of Fudan, who can talk unlike the other wishes.



Episode list


The theme song and soundtrack to this show was recorded by English band Saint Etienne.