Marymount College is situated on Burleigh Connection Road, Burleigh Waters. Marymount traces its origins back to 1959 when Frank Shine was appointed Parish Priest of Burleigh Heads. The Missionary Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception as a parish secondary school opened Marymount College in 1968, with sixteen students and two staff. The principal was Sr Mary Patricia, osf. The complex cost $146,000 and consisted of classrooms, a convent and chapel. Responsibility for the College development was to rely heavily on the Burleigh Parish. Buildings constructed from 1977 to 1991 were designed and supervised by Michael Ryan and built at a cost of $4.8million. In 1971, Sr Carmel Beirne, osf became the new principal, assisted by Sr Marguerite, osf. In that same year, extensions costing $94,000 were made to the college. 1972 marked another milestone: Marymount College became co-educational to provide for boys on the central and southern sections of the Gold Coast. The first boy enrolled was Justin Lane. Marymount College became the first Catholic co-educational college in Queensland – with an enrolment of 120 students. In 1974, a Manual Arts Centre was established at a cost of $34,000. This was also the year of the first senior class at Marymount College. 1975 saw the appointment of Michael Lloyd as the first lay Principal and Martin Doyle assumed responsibility for providing the guidance and facilities necessary for a sound Catholic education. In 1981, Brendan McManus assumed leadership of the College and a new swimming pool was a welcome addition to the sporting facilities. 1982 saw a new library built and an enrolment of 620 students. Pat Wall was appointed College Principal in 1984. The foresight of Wall in 1987, saw the construction of the Year 8 classroom building. The construction of the Doyle Centre in 1991 was a major building project and provides exceptional facilities for physical education, theatre and music. In 1993, Ken Howell was appointed Administrator of the Burleigh Heads Parish when Martin Doyle, due to ill health, took a long needed rest. Late in 1993, Pat Wall resigned as Principal and Brisbane Catholic Education appointed Bob Cullen as Acting Principal for the 1994 school year. During this year, Pat Molony was appointed Parish Priest. Vicki Ward assumed the role of College Principal for the 1995 school year. In 1996, Bob Peacock was appointed College Principal. By 1999, Marymount College had an enrolment of 905 students. Peacock commenced an extensive rebuilding programme with a new Home Economics and Hospitality wing opened in 1998 and a new $900,000 Manual Arts Complex opened in February 1999.
Performing & Visual Arts: Amphitheatre, Art Studios, Audio Visual Room, Dance Studio, Drama Workshops, Editing Suite, Media Centre, Music Rooms, Music Tuition Rooms, Recording Studio, Theatrette Academic Facilities: Agricultural Greenhouse, Agricultural Shed, Air-conditioned Classrooms, Hospitality Kitchens, Hospitality Dining Room, Industrial Design & Technology Block, Library & Resource Centre, Technology Building, Science Laboratories, Sewing & Textiles Room Student Support Facilities: Canteen & Vending Machine, Careers & Vocational Education Centre, Counsellors Rooms, IT Service Desk, Learning Support & Enhancement Centre, Responsible Thinking Classroom, Secured Undercover Bike Storage, Student Administration Office, Student Lockers, Uniform Shop, Book Shop & Book Hire Sporting Facilities: AFL Fields, Basketball Courts, Boats, Cricket Pitch, Martin Doyle Centre, Gym, Netball Courts, Tennis Courts, Rugby League Fields, Soccer Fields, Swimming Pool
Senior subjects
The Arts: Dance, Certificate III in Dance, Drama, Film television and new Media, Music, Music extension, Visual art, Visual Art in Practice
Business: Accounting, Business Management, Certificate II in Business, Diploma of Business, Economics
English: English, English Communication
Home economics, hospitality and child care: Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care, Hospitality Studies, Home Economics, Certificate II in Kitchen Operations, Certificate III in Hospitality
Humanities: Ancient History, Modern History, Geography, Legal Studies
Technologies: Information Processing and Technology, Information Technology Systems, Certificate II in Information, Digital Media and Television, Certificate I in Construction, Certificate II in Electrotechnology, Certificate II in Engineering, Graphics, Technology Studies
Languages: French, Japanese
Mathematics: Mathematics A, Mathematics B, Mathematics C, Prevocational Mathematics, Philosophy and Reason
Physical education: Physical Education, Cert II in Sports and Recreation/Cert III Fitness