Marie de L'Épinay

Marie de L'Épinay, real name Ève Olivia Angela Josépha de Bradi, baronne de Bruchez was a French femme de lettres.


The daughter of the Countess Pauline Bradi who held a literary salon and was a contributor to the Journal des dames et des modes from 1818, Marie L'Épinay was often invited by the Duchess of Berry to the court balls.
Her husband, the Swiss officer Stephen Bruchez of Épinay, preferred she took care of their children, rather than writing. Yet, she published numerous verses, stories, novels of manners, plays and newspaper articles, including in 1835, several for the Journal des Femmes.
She also wrote the music for a few romances and in 1836, she worked at Biographie des femmes auteurs contemporaines. Famous under her name as well as under the pseudonyms Ève de Bruchez or Ève de Bradi, she owned and was chief editor of the Journal des dames et des modes.
From 1839, she was responsible for the importante chronique de mode of other magazines for women such as La Sylphide and Paris Élégant, as well as the chronique littéraire of the La Corbeille de Mariage and the Journal des Jeunes Personnes. In 1846 she also wrote for L’Écho français.
