Marginal budgeting for bottlenecks

The marginal budgeting for bottlenecks tool is an analytical costing and budgeting tool that helps countries develop their health plans by taking into account the most effective interventions, cost and budget marginal allocations of their implementation to health services and assess their potential impact on health coverage, Health related Millennium Development Goals and health outcomes of the poor. It builds on the High Impact Interventions to reduce mortality as published in various scientific articles including The Lancet series on Child, Maternal and neonatal survival. The tool has been developed in the context of Highly Indebted Poor Country Initiative and Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers


The MBB mainly addresses the following six questions:
It builds on theoretical knowledge:
It has initially been developed by teams from the World Bank's Africa Region, South Asia region and Health Nutrition and Population Anchor, jointly with UNICEF and the World Health Organization. It is a development of health systems performance monitoring tools that were used in the West African Region in the nineties. At a certain point, WHO left the boat to develop their own approach. Since 2008, the MBB has the possibility to use the LiST tool to calculate impacts. Currently, there are discussions going on to produce an integrated model that would reunify different models proposed by different agencies. DevInfo has been tasked to provide support to users; they have developed an online support platform where the latest version can be downloaded along with on-the-job support.


Since its inception in 2002, the tool has been used at country and sub-country level in more than 17 countries across Africa and Asia. It has been used to prepare mid-term expenditures frameworks, investment cases, child survival strategic plans, national health plans,....

Key steps

The MBB consists of five key steps: