Margherita Bagni

Margherita Bagni was an Italian actress and voice actress. She appeared in 37 films between 1918 and 1959. She was born in Turin, Italy and died in Rome, Italy.
Daughter of actress Ines Cristina and prompter Ambrogio Bagni, Bagni entered at very young age the stage company of her stepfather Ermete Zacconi. After having married Renzo Ricci, in 1925 she formed with him the company Ricci-Bagni. She made her film debut at 15, in Gli spettri, but her real film career began in mid-1930s. In cinema she was mainly a character actress, and at the same time she was also very active as a voice actress. She also appeared on several television series of great success.
Her daughter Eleonora "Nora" was an actress and she also was the first wife of Vittorio Gassman.

Partial filmography