The dialect of Macerata and Fermo, with the inclusion of the variety of the area of Camerino.
Common features
The three areas of the Marchigiano dialect are united by some common features which distinguish the dialect from the other central Italian languages :
The Italian words stressed on the penultimate syllable which end in no ni or ne undergoes apocope in the last syllable. So the wordcontadino becomes contadì, the word piccioni becomes picciò, the word cane becomes cà.
The Italian words which end in -aio change their last syllable in -aro. So the word fornaio becomes fornaro.
The sound of the Italian words is changed to a simple. So the word figlio becomes fìio or fio.
Generally the final sound -o of the Italian words is changed to -u : fornaio > fornaru, figlio > fiiu.
The infinitive of the Italian verbs loses the final sound -re : amare > amà, mettere > mette, morire > morì.
The group ng undergoes assimilation to gn : mangiamo > magnamo.
The third-person plural inflection is the same of the singular one. So the word ama can mean he loves or they love.
The conjugation of to be and to have got at the present indicative tense in the two main dialects is as follows :
Features of the three areas
Ancona's dialect
The dialect of Ancona is spoken purely in Ancona town and influenced nearby cities only recently. It has several gallo-italic traits, so it is considered the northernmost central italian dialect. Particularly this dialect's speakers always use the article el unlike standard Italian which in some cases uses lo. Only the speakers of the towns which are closer to Macerata use the article lo as in Italian. These cities also undergo other influences from Macerata's dialect because they are closer to it.
Fabriano's dialect
The dialect of Fabriano is spoken in the town of Fabriano and in the towns closer to it. Rhotacism occurs in this dialect > carza, fulmine.
Macerata's dialect
The dialect of Macerata is spoken in the province of Macerata and in the Fermo's one. The speakers of Macerata,to say the, use lu and lo . Rhotacism occurs. A lot of assimilations occur:
nd > nn : mettendo > mettenno,
mb > mm : gamba > gamma,
nt > nd : pianta > pianda,
mp > mb : campo > cambu,
ld > ll : caldo > callu.
There follows a list of nouns, verbs and other words from Marchigiano