March of the Soviet Tankmen

March of the Soviet Tankmen is a military march composed in 1939 by the Pokrass brothers with lyrics by Boris Laskin. It was commonly used as a Soviet propaganda song in World War II. The origin of the song was the movie "Tractorists".
Notable performers of the song include bass-baritone Pyotr Kirichek. In the movie, it was sung by Nikolai Kryuchkov and Boris Andreev.



During the Nikita Khrushchev times, lines:
Когда нас в бой пошлёт товарищ Сталин,
и первый маршал в бой нас поведёт!
were changed to:
Когда суровый час войны настанет
И нас в атаку Родина пошлёт.
A subsequent change altered the two lines again:
Когда нас бой пошлёт страна родная,
И первый маршал в бой нас поведёт!
(English: When we're called to battle by our country, and the First Marshal will lead us in this battle!