
Mapum is a village located east of Ukhrul in Ukhrul district, Manipur state, India. The village is about 28 kilometers from Ukhrul and is partially connected by National Highway 150 that connects Imphal and Kohima via Ukhrul and Jessami and Imphal to Kamjong via Shangshak. The village is flanked by Pushing in the south west, Sihai in the north, Zingsui East, Ronshak in the south East, and Khangkhui in the west. Locally, the inhabitants speak Mapum tui. Mapum is rich in culture and original "Mayong pasi" is made in it.

Total population

According to 2011 census, Mapum has 251 households with the total of 1117 people of which 562 are male and 555 are female. Of the total population, 53 were in the age group of 0–6 years. The average sex ratio of the village is 988 female to 1000 male which is higher than the state average of 985. The literacy rate of the village stands at 77.16.40% which is higher than the state average 76.94%. Male literacy rate stands at 84.96% while female literacy rate was 69.36%.

People and occupation

The village is home to people of Tangkhul Naga tribe. All the inhabitants are Christians. Agriculture is the primary occupation of the inhabitants. The village is best known for its original hand-made
headgear/headband known as "Mayongpasi" which is specially worn during Tangkhul Naga cultural festival.