Manga, Minas Gerais

Manga is a municipality in the north of the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil. It is located on the left bank of the São Francisco River. It is connected to Januária by paved BR-135, anis 112 km away. Neighboring municipalities are Matias Cardoso, Montalvânia, Miravânia, Juvenília, and São João das Missões. The distance to the state capital is 720 km. As of 2007 the population was 20,903 in an area of 1,968 km².
The economy is based on agriculture with emphasis on cattle raising. There were 54,000 head in 2006. The main agricultural crops were bananas, lemons, mangoes, rice, corn, manioc, sorghum, sugarcane, and mamona. The GDP was R$76,786,000 in 2005.
This municipality is extremely isolated from major population centers and suffers from drought and poor soils. It is one of the poorest in the state and in the country.
