Mammo Wudneh
Mammo Wudneh was a playwright, journalist and President of the Ethiopian Writers' Association.He was actively involved as a peacemaker between Ethiopia and Eritrea working on an interfaith committee chaired by Abune Paulos, the Patriarch of the Tewahedo Church.Early life
Mammo Wudneh was orphaned during the Second Italo-Abyssinian War when the Italians bombed his village, Bashagia in what was then Wollo Province. By chance he later met one of the pilots who took part in the raid that killed his family. In a moving encounter the playwright forgave the pilot.Published works
ሁለተኛው የዓለም ጦርነት
- የሴቷን ፈተና
- ከወንጀለኞቹ አንዱ
- ቬኒቶ ሙሶሊኒ
- የገባር ልጅ
- ሁለቱ ጦርነቶች
- አደገኛው ሰላይ
- ዲግሪ ያሳበደው
- ካርቱም ሔዶ ቀረ?
- የ፮ቱ ቀን ጦርነት
- የደቡብ ሱዳን ብጥብጥ
- ብዕር እንደዋዛ
- ሞንትጐመሪ
- የኤርትራ ታሪክ
- “የኛው ሰው በደማስቆ“
- የ፪ ዓለም ሰላይ
- ምጽአት-እሥራኤል
- ሰላዩ ሬሳ
- የ፲፯ቱ ቀን ጦርነት
- የካይሮ ጆሮ ጠቢ
- የበረሃው ተኰላ
- ዘጠና ደቂቃ በኢንተቤ
- ጊለን-የክፍለ ዘመኑ ሰላይ
- የኦዲሣ ማኅደር
- ከታተኞቹ
- ከሕይወት በኋላ ሕይወት
- ስለላና ሰላዮች
- ምርጥ ምርጥ ሰላዮች
- ዕቁብተኞቹ
- አሉላ አባነጋ
- የሰላዩ ካሜራ
- “ሰላይ ነኝ“
- በዘመናችን ከታወቁ ሰዎች
- ዕድርተኞቹ
- ሾተላዩ ሰላይ
- ማኅበርተኞቹ
- በረመዳን ውዜማ
- የበረሃው ማዕበል
- ኬ.ጂ.ቢ.
- ሲ.አይ.ኤና ጥልፍልፍ ሲሆኑ
- ዩፎስ-በሪራ ዲስኮች
- መጭው ጊዜ
- ዮሐንስ
- የአሮጊት አውታታ
- እኔና እኔ
- ኤርትራና ኤርትራውያን
- ሞት የመጨረሻ ነውን?
- የደረስኩበት_፩
- የደረስኩበት_፪
- Degree yasabedew
- Khartoum hedo qere
- Hirut abatwa manew?
- Gilen-yekifle zemenu selay
- Miseate Israel
- Yegna sew bedemasko
- Selay Negn
- 90 dekika be entibi
- Selayu resa
- shotelayu selay
- Yekayrow Jorotebi
- Yeberehaw maebel
- ye 6tu ken tornert
- mahberetegochu
- Edirtegnochu
- Ekubtegochu
- Alula Abanega
- Yohannis
- Yeslayoch Wukyanos
- k.G.B
- Beremedan Wazema
- UFO berari discoch
- Yedereskubet
- Yeberehaw Tekula
- ye oudise mahder
his works are more than 60 books...