
Malayinkeezhu is a village in district of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.Distance between Trivandrum and Malayinkeezhu is 15 km or 9.3 miles. The Pincode of Malayinkeezhu Post Office is 695571 which comes under the postal circle of Neyyattinkara region.


It is located at. latitude and longitude.
It is located at


The Malayinkeezhu has population of 37,350 of which 18,250 are males while 19,100 are females as per report released by Census India 2011.
Population of Children with age of 0-6 is 3351 which is 8.97 % of total population of Malayinkeezhu. The Female Sex Ratio is of 1047 against state average of 1084. Moreover Child Sex Ratio in Malayinkeezhu is around 968 compared to Kerala state average of 964. Literacy rate of Malayinkeezhu city is 95.01 % higher than state average of 94.00 %. In Malayinkeezhu, Male literacy is around 96.79 % while female literacy rate is 93.32 %.
Malayinkeezhu has total administration over 9,684 houses to which it supplies basic amenities like water and sewerage


The Sree Krishna Swami Temple of Malayinkeezhu is famous for its divinity. Premium residential area in trivandrum