Maker Faire Africa

Presently curated and organized by , and , Maker Faire Africa is an international organization co-founded by Mark Grimes Emeka Okafor, Lars Hassleblad Torress, Erik Hersman and Nii Simmonds. Maker Faire Africa aims to engage with on-the-ground breakthrough organizations and individual makers to sharpen focus on locally generated, bottom-up prototypes of technologies that solve immediate challenges to development.


The aim of a Maker Faire Africa is to create a space on the African continent where Afrigadget-type innovations, inventions and initiatives can be sought, identified, brought to life, supported, amplified and propagated. At the same time, Maker Faire Africa would seek to imbue creative types in science and technology with an appreciation of fabrication and by default manufacturing.
The first Maker Faire Africa was in Ghana in 2009. The second phase was held in Nairobi, Kenya in 2010, the third in Cairo in 2011, the fourth in Lagos, the fifth abroad and the sixth in Johannesburg.
