Magneto-Electric Spin-Orbit

Magneto-Electric Spin-Orbit is a technology for constructing scalable integrated circuits. MESO devices operate by the coupling of the Magnetoelectric effect with the spin orbit coupling effect. Specifically, the mangetoelectric effect will induce a change in Magnetization within the device due to an induced electric field, which can then be read out by the spin orbit coupling component. This mechanism is analogous to how a CMOS device operates with the source, gate and drain electrodes work together to form a logic gate. Compared to CMOS, MESO circuits require less energy for switching, lower operating voltage, and feature a higher integration density, making them ideal candidates to replace CMOS based devices in the future. The technology is currently in development by Intel and University of California, Berkeley.
Feature Size Supply Voltage Switching Energy
CMOS10100 - 700300x10−18
MESO1010 - 10010x10−18