
Madukkur is a Town Panchayat in Thanjavur District, Tamil Nadu, India. The town is located at middle east part of Tamil Nadu. It has 34 Union panchayat villages in rural. Being the Cauvery River Delta inhabitants.
Madukkur is a Town Panchayat located in Thanjavur district and Pattukkottai taluk. It has 34 Villages as a Union Panchayat including the North portion, Madukkur North. There are 15 elected ward, 4009 houses. Total population is 16,273 where the female is high with the count of 8,592 and 7,681 male. Among them, 12,516 are literates and 3,792 are illustrated. It has 5 primary schools, 3 middle schools, 2 higher secondary schools. The Town is mostly famous for its Weekly Market, which is held on every Tuesday. It is considering as a growing town over the nearest forums. On festival times, it is the best commodities retailing place for its blocked villages.
The primary occupation is agriculture and is irrigating by Kalyanavodai River, which is a small branch from the Cauvery.
People living here are classic examples for secularism and non-casteist.


Madukkur is located at. and is 12 km from Pattukkottai in West, 18 km from Muthupet in East, 15 km from Adirampattinam in south and 22 km from Mannargudi in north.


There are 33 villages in the Madukkur Block. Among them the following are the important villages:
About Madukkur Block
Madukkur is a Block located in Thanjavur district in Tamil Nadu. Located in a rural part of Tamil Nadu, it is one of the 14 blocks of Thanjavur district. According to the government records, the block code of Madukkur is 232. The block has 34
Agricultural status of Madukkur Block
The number of working persons of Madukkur block is 30,030 still 37,083 are non-working. And out of 30,030 employed persons, 5908 individuals are entirely dependent on cultivation.
Karuppur was recently selected as the Best Panchayat Village by the TN Govt.
Their weekly fair at Madukkur is on Tuesday.
There is a Coconut Research Station at Veppangulam which is run by Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore.

Bus Routes