Macomb Correctional Facility

Macomb Correctional Facility is a Michigan prison, located in Lenox Township, for adult male prisoners.


The prison was opened in 1993 and has eleven major and two minor buildings, totaling approximately, on with a capacity of 1416 prisoners. It has seven housing units currently used for Michigan Department of Corrections male prisoners 18 years of age and older. One of the housing units is used for Level I prisoners, four housing units for Level II prisoners, and two housing units for Level IV prisoners. Four other buildings provide for education, support services, storage, and prison administration.


The facility is surrounded by three chain link fences with razor-ribbon wire. Electronic detection systems and patrol vehicles are also utilized to maintain perimeter security. Two gun towers were added in 1997. In 2019, press reports indicated the towers are manned only intermittently.


The facility offers education programs and community volunteer programs. Onsite medical and dental care is supplemented by local community providers and the Duane L. Waters Hospital in Jackson, Michigan.