Mümtaz'er Türköne
Mümtaz'er Türköne,, is a Turkish academic and author. He was a faculty member at Gazi University from 1993 to 2007 and was a columnist for the Zaman and its English-language sister Today's Zaman.
In the 1990s Türköne was a member of the Analitik Grubu group of advisors to Prime Minister Tansu Çiller.
In January 2012 Türköne resigned from the Atatürk Culture, Language and History Institution, a month after being appointed by President Abdullah Gül. His appointment had been criticised as Türköne had previously described Atatürkism as a "closed minded and bigoted" ideology.
He is the ex-husband of former AKP deputy Özlem Türköne.Awards
- Türkiye Yazarlar Birliği 2006, "Media/thought" category
- Siyasi İdeoloji Olarak İslamcılığın Doğuşu
- Cemaleddin Afgani
- Siyaset
- Darbe Peşinde Koşan Bir Nesil 68 Kuşağı
- Sözde Askerler
- Türkiye'nin Kayıp Halkası
- Türklük ve Kürtlük
- Türk Modernleşmesi
- Modernleşme, Laiklik
- Siyasi, Tarihi, Dini ve Kültürel Boyutlarıyla İslam ve Şiddet
- Türkler ve İslamiyet
- Kürt Meselesi Nasıl Çözülmez?''