Luz Salgado

Luz Filomena Salgado Rubianes de Paredes is a Peruvian politician and journalist.

Education and professional career

Luz Salgado studied communication sciences at the Universidad San Martín de Porres. She studied additionally for a master's degree in the Center for Higher National Studies.

Writing the Peruvian Constitution

After Alberto Fujimori's illegal self-coup on April 5, 1992, Luz Salgado was made a member of the Democratic Constitutional Congress, which wrote a new constitution during the Peruvian Constitutional Crisis of 1992. During this period she worked closely with Vladimiro Montesinos, the most corrupt Fujimori-era criminal.

Congresswoman and Party politics

Salgado was first elected to Congress in 1992.
In the 2011 parliamentary election she was elected to the Congress on the Fuerza 2011 list, representing Lima for the 2011–2016 term and on the Fuerza Popular list, for the 2016–2021 terms.