Lutfi Lepaja
Lutfi Lepaja is a Kosovo Albanian writer. Lepaja is author of more than ten works.Biography
Lutfi Lepaja finished elementary and secondary school in Stari Trg and Kosovska Mitrovica. For his literary formation responds with full sense the word "autodidact". He deals with five artistic literary genres: novel, story, essay, poetry, and journalism. He is typical author "discovered" by anonymous literary competitions and on almost all these genres was awarded more than once. Radio Pristina realised three of his plays, also his monodrama Ruleti kosovar was put om stage on many local theaters, and the same was also staged at the International Monodrama Festival in Korçë, in 2010. He has many unpublished works ready there waiting for publishing. He also collaborates with web-based newspaper "JAVA" and publishes his works mainly there.- Parimi i Pritjes
- Përqafim i padukshëm
- Kona
- Tepër Serioz
- Gëte ka të drejtë
- Granias Lament
- Shkollë për specialistë
- Ngutja në jetë
- Valëza e Lumit
- Zero zero
- Zinxhiri i këputur
- Panairi i ideve
- Kopili
- Ruleti kosovar