Love Buffet is a 2010 Taiwanese television series based on the shōjo manga Parfait Tic!, written by Nagamu Nanaji. It stars Reen Yu, Aaron Yan and Calvin Chen. The two male leads were members of boy bandFahrenheit, which performed the opening and ending themes. The drama was co-produced by Gala Television and and directed by Wu Jian Xin. It was first broadcast in Taiwan on free-to-air Formosa Television on Sunday evenings from December 19, 2010, to March 13, 2011, and was repeated the following Saturday on cable TV Gala Television Variety Show/CH 28. This show was also broadcast in Singapore and Malaysia.
Xiao Feng is a lively girl starting her first year of university when her life is turned upside-down by the arrival of her new upstairs neighbors: cousins Cheng Yi and Da Ye. Their arrival becomes much talked about at the university. Xiao Feng starts to get along with Da Ye, and falls in love with him. However, Da Ye doesn't have any feelings for Xiao Feng as he treats every girl the same way, though Xiao Feng sometimes feels that she is given preferential treatment. During this period, Yi Cheng starts to develop romantic feeling for Xiao Feng. Xiao Feng confesses her feelings to Da Ye, who rejects her by saying that he doesn't know the true meaning of "love". Xiao Feng becomes heartbroken and depressed. Yi Cheng pursues Xiao Feng and they become closer, making Da Ye uneasy. Just when Yi Cheng and Xiao Feng are about to become a couple, one of Yi Cheng's previous romantic interests demands his attention – they talk things through and free themselves of each other. However, Xiao Feng misreads the situation and is heartbroken again. Da Ye begins to fall for Xiao Feng, and Xiao Feng begins dating him in an effort to forget about Yi Cheng. Yi Cheng continues to pursue Xiao Feng despite her being in a relationship with Da Ye. In class, Yi Cheng and Xiao Feng accidentally kiss, however Xiao Feng tells Yi Cheng that she hated the kiss. Yi Cheng later confesses his feelings to Xiao Feng, while Da Ye becomes increasingly jealous. Without telling Yi Cheng, Da Ye and Xiao Feng go on a two-day trip. Upon returning, Yi Cheng embraces Xiao Feng and tries to kiss her, but she pushes him away. Xian Feng tells Da Ye about this and Da Ye reacts by punching Yi Cheng. The cousins learn that one of them must return to Shanghai to assist a new family business. Yi Cheng wants to ruin Da Ye and Xiao Feng's next date, but hesitates as he does not want to hurt Xiao Feng. Da Ye breaks up with Xiao Feng, hating his jealousy as he falls further in love with her, and decides to go to Shanghai. Yi Cheng asks Xiao Feng if she would rather he left. She tells him that he should decide his future on his own. Yi Cheng confesses his feelings to Xiao Feng one last time and she rejects him, saying "I can't carry such a heavy burden."