Louisville Astronomical Society

The Louisville Astronomical Society was founded in 1931 in Louisville, Kentucky by amateur astronomers, including James Gilbert Baker. Monthly meetings are held at 8:00 p.m. on the Third Tuesdays of each month. Monthly observing sessions, are held at the society's dark sky location, the James G. Baker Center for Astronomy in Curby, Indiana on the third Saturday of each month. They hold public star parties at their Urban Astronomy Center located in E. P. "Tom" Sawyer State Park on the Fourth Friday of every month. Star parties begin at dusk and are open to the public. The LAS has certified instructors for Boy Scout Astronomy requirements.


Membership to the society is open to all in the Louisville, Kentucky area. Memberships are available through the website. See link below.


One Saturday a month, a local star viewing occurs at the society's Urban Astronomy Center, located at Louisville's Tom Sawyer State Park.


The society publishes the .


The Urban Astronomy Center is located at.
The Society's Dark Site, the James G. Baker Center for Astronomy, is located at.