Louise Weaver

Louise Weaver is a contemporary Australian artist working in an array of media including sculptural installations, paintings, drawings, printmaking, collage, textiles, movement and sound. She is best known for her installation and sculptures of animals. Weaver's works have been exhibited in Australia and New Zealand and are featured in major collections both nationally and internationally.


Weaver was born in 1966 in Mansfield, Victoria, Australia.
She completed a Bachelor of Arts in 1988 at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, and a Masters of Arts, Painting in 1996 at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.
She is best known for her large-scale installations featuring sculptures of animals. Since 2014, Weaver has concentrated on creating works that she says are, “loosely termed” paintings using a wide range of materials and matter. Weaver's works have been exhibited in Australia and New Zealand.
She won the Cicely and Colin Rigg Contemporary Design Award in 2003 for textiles.
A retrospective of Weaver's work was shown at Buxton Contemporary in 2019.

Selected exhibitions