Loudermilk (TV series)

Loudermilk is an American comedy television series created by Peter Farrelly and Bobby Mort that premiered on October 17, 2017 on Audience. The series stars Ron Livingston, Will Sasso, Laura Mennell, Anja Savcic, Mat Fraser, Toby Levins and Mark Brandon. In December 2018, it was announced that Audience had renewed the series for a third season.


Sam Loudermilk is a rehab counselor who is an unfiltered jerk to his clients, his friends, and any random person he interacts with. A recovering alcoholic, Loudermilk is somewhat nicer to his best friend and sober sponsor, Ben Burns.

Cast and characters


Season 1 (2017)

Season 2 (2018)


On April 12, 2018, it was announced that the series was renewed for a second season. On July 27, 2018, it was reported that it would premiere on October 16, 2018. On December 5, 2018, it was announced that the AT&T Audience Network has renewed the series for a third season.


In the United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, and Italy, the series is distributed via Amazon Video.