Planning Policy Statement 12: Creating Strong Safe and Prosperous Communities through Local Spatial Planning, is a document produced by the British Government that sets out the Government's policy on the preparation of local development documents which will comprise the local development framework. The current version was introduced in June 2008 and replaces the original PPS 12: Local Development Frameworks which was produced in 2004. The local development framework replaces the previous system of county level structure plans and district level local plans, and unitary development plans for unitary authorities. The previous system was perceived as being too inflexible and difficult to change in a timely manner. The local development framework system is intended to improve this situation by replacing the old plans with a new portfolio of local development documents that can be tailored to suit the different needs of a particular area and can be easily updated. The frameworks were prepared within a regional spatial strategy prepared for each region by the Secretary of State. Local development frameworks were required to have regard to the RSS until they were abolished in 2010.
Each framework will be a folder containing a number of inter-related documents:
Compulsory documents
Local development documents
Development plan documents
Statements of community involvement
Annual monitoring report
Local development scheme
Optional documents
Supplementary planning documents
Local development orders
Simplified planning zones
Key government aims
Strengthening community and stakeholder involvement
Front-loading sometimes – local authorities to take key decisions early in the preparation of local development documents.
Sustainability appraisal
Programme management
Soundness – local development documents must be soundly based in terms of their content and the process by which they are produced. The must also be based upon a robust, credible evidence base.
The local development framework, together with the regional spatial strategy will provide the essential framework for planning in the local authority's area.
Local development documents are a set of documents specified in United Kingdom planning law which a local planning authority creates to describe their strategy for development and use of land in their area of authority. Established as part of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 in United Kingdom law, a local planning authority must include as local development documents in their local development schemes. The local development documents taken as a whole must set out the authority's policies relating to the development and use of land in their area. In the case of LDDs included in a minerals and waste development scheme, the LDDs together must also set out the authority's policies relating to minerals and waste development. The Secretary of State may prescribe the form and content of LDDs and which descriptions of those documents are development plan documents. Development plan documents taken together are broadly equivalent to the old-style local plans.
Compulsory development plan documents
Core Strategy
Development plan documents
Statements of community involvement
Optional development plan documents
Area action plan: an optional development plan document aimed at establishing a set of proposals and policies for the development of a specific area of a district authority. There is no limit on the number of area action plans that a local authority can develop.
Supplementary planning documents: established as part of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 in United Kingdom law, SPDs may cover a range of issues, thematic or site-specific, and provides further detail of policies and proposals in a 'parent' development plan document.
Local development orders
Sometimes certain policies from an old document remain effective when that document is superseded. These policies are known as "saved" policies.
Legal requirements of all local development documents
National policies and advice contained in guidance issued by the Secretary of State,
The regional spatial strategy for the region in which the area of the authority is situated, if the area is outside Greater London. Also the RSS for any region which adjoins the area of the authority or the Wales Spatial Plan if any part of the authority's area adjoins Wales
The community strategy prepared by the authority and also any other authority whose area comprises any part of the area of the local planning authority
Any other local development documents which has been adopted by the authority
The resources likely to be available for implementing the proposals in the document
Such other matters as the Secretary of State prescribes.
The local planning authority must appraise the sustainability of each development plan document and report the findings.
Development plan documents are subject to rigorous procedures of community involvement, consultation and independent examination. Once adopted, development control decisions must be made in accordance with the DPDs unless material considerations indicate otherwise. DPDs must be examined with a sustainability appraisal to ensure economic, environmental and social effects of the plan are in line with sustainable development targets.
In practice, many local authorities have found Local Development Frameworks difficult to implement. Although progress on Local Development Frameworks was made in the years 2012–2015, an assessment by Nathaniel Lichfield and Partners has found any progress to be "marginal".