Littlest Pet Shop: A World of Our Own is an Irish-American animated children's television series based on the 2018 relaunch of the American toy franchise Littlest Pet Shop. It is the third television series, following the 2012 TV series, to be based on the franchise overall. The series revolves around a group of pets who use a magical portal to enter the world of Paw-Tucket. It premiered on Discovery Family in the United States on April 14, 2018. The last episode aired on January 26, 2019, and was cancelled after only one season.
The series focuses on a group of six pets who exit the human world they live in often to go through a magical portal that is used only by them. The portal sends them to the world of Paw-Tucket, a community made for and by pets, where they can have adventures, throw parties, make new friendships, and be themselves.
Roxie McTerrier is a hyper, optimistic, and loyal Boston Terrier. She cares a lot about her friends, but she can be very naïve at some times. She loves to eat food and have fun.
Jade Catkin is a sarcastic, gothic bombay cat and Roxie's roommate. She's also Roxie's best friend but doesn't like to admit it. Her favorite thing to do is sleep.
Trip Hamston is an adventurous and confident, but sometimes goofy hamster. He is also a rapper, akin to his voice actor.
Quincy Goatee is an easily frightened fainting goat who faints easily. He is Trip's best friend and roommate. In the episode "Pitch Im-Purr-Fect", it's revealed that he's not good at singing, but is a good tap dancer.
Edie Von Keet is a fancy, dramatic parakeet who is a talented actress. She always tends to be greedy for the spotlight, which is a reflection of the 14-year-old that owns her.
Bev Gilturtle is an energetic box turtle. She tries her hardest to entertain the other pets. She loves trying out various kinds of activities.
Savannah Cheetaby is a very famous cheetahpop star in Paw-Tucket.
Petula Woolwright is a pink sheep. She serves as the main antagonist of the series.
Sweetie Pom-Pom is a yellow pomeranian and one of Petula's sidekicks.
Mitchell Snailford is a dimwitted brown snail and another one of Petula's sidekicks.
Mister Yut is a Siamese fighting fish responsible for managing the commerce in Paw-Tucket.
Scoot Raccoonerson is a sneaky raccoon who thinks that trash is valuable. He first appeared in "The Wheel Deal."
Austin Goldenpup is a Golden Retriever. He is an obedient dog in the human world. Roxie has a crush on him. He works for Mister Yut at the Littlest Pet Shop.
Mayor Perrito is a Chihuahua and the self-appointed mayor of Paw-Tucket because his name happens to be Mayor.
Captain Gilturtle is a blue sea turtle and Bev's uncle. He is head captain of the LPS cruise ship.
Manny Mouser is a highly intelligent yellow mouse and an inventor.
Carmilla Wingbat is an incredibly shy fruit-bat who prefers to stay in the shadows. She has an incredible singing voice and acting skills. She works as a crew member, and later, actress at Paw-Tucket theater. She also has the ability to use echolocation.
All episodes of the series have been directed by Gillian Comerford.
Emily Ashby of Common Sense Media rated Littlest Pet Shop: A World of Our Own a 2 out of 5 stars, stating that the series "does little to challenge the notion that it's an extended commercial for the brand," and claims that the stories are formulaic and the characters are mostly one-dimensional."