List of world records in finswimming

The following is the list of world records in finswimming recognised by the sport's governing body, Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques. CMAS does not recognise short course records.

Requirements for recognition of records

As of January 2013, CMAS recognises world and other records for the following techniques and distances for both males and females in the age groups of Senior and Junior where these are made in an Olympic-size swimming pool and are measured by electronic automatic officiating equipment:
The International Rules also allow for recognition of a record swimming time in the first lap of a relay race or an immediate distance as part of a longer swimming distance. Records made at the CMAS World and Continental Championships and at the World Games are automatically registered. Records made outside of the above-mentioned competitions can be recognised as subject to the attempt being an individual attempt and that at least three days public notice of the attempt is given. National records can be recognised if a record’s time is equal to or better than the prevailing world record.
As of January 2013, the International Rules do not discuss the matter of records made for open water/long distance finswimming.





Junior – boys

Junior – girls

Junior – mixed