List of works by William Hogarth

This is a list of works by William Hogarth by publication date.
As a printmaker Hogarth often employed other engravers to produce his work and frequently revised his works between one print run and the next, so it is often difficult to accurately differentiate between works by Hogarth and those in the style of or "after". Some of the less likely, possible, doubtful works and those formerly identified as Hogarth's works are listed at the end. Numbers in square brackets refer to the catalogue numbers in Ronald Paulson's third edition of Hogarth's Graphic Works.
The works are all paintings, prints or drawings, apart from Hogarth's 1753 book The Analysis of Beauty.


Sallying Forth, one of 12 illustrations for the 1726 edition.

is shown vomiting into a chamber pot whilst lying in bed with a hangover. A painting allegedly commissioned by Schutz's wife to make her husband mend his ways.
Various works which are either wrongly attributed to Hogarth, unlikely to be his work, or where some doubt exists as to whether they are his.