List of tallest buildings in Iowa

This list of tallest buildings in Iowa ranks skyscrapers in the US state of Iowa by height for existing and proposed structures.

Tallest buildings

Years as TallestNameHeight
1884–1924Iowa State Capitol275 n/a
1924–1973Equitable Building318 19
1973–1975Financial Center345 25
1975–1991Ruan Center460 36
1991–Present801 Grand630 45

Tall buildings prior to 1884

There does not seem to have been any effort to document the tallest building in Iowa prior to the construction of the State Capitol in 1884. This list shows buildings which may have been the tallest in Iowa prior to 1884, excluding church steeples.
Years as TallestNameHeight
1840–1856Old Capitol, Iowa City114 n/a
1856–1884Shot Tower, Dubuque120 10

Other early tall building include: