List of settlements lost to floods in the Netherlands

This list of settlements lost to floods in the Netherlands is an adapted translation of from Dutch, plus some additions from other sources.
"Oud-" is Dutch for "Old". If you cannot find a name, look for it under "Oud-".

Drowned villages and places in [Zeeland] and West-Brabant">North Brabant">Brabant

Drowned villages and places in [Noord-Beveland]

Drowned villages and places in [Zuid-Beveland]

Drowned villages and places in the [Verdronken land van Saeftinghe]

Drowned villages in [Schouwen] (mostly in its drowned south part)

Drowned villages in the Drowned Land of Reimerswaal">Verdronken Land van Reimerswaal">Drowned Land of Reimerswaal

Drowned villages in the [Braakman]

[Zeeland] and West Brabant">North Brabant">Brabant: doubtful cases

[Zeeland] and West Brabant">North Brabant">Brabant: drowned islands in the delta">River delta">delta region

11 villages west of the [Grote Hollandse Waard], east of the current gully of De [Striene]

4 or 5 drowned villages east of the [Schelde]

Drowned villages in the [Grote Hollandse Waard] alias [Zuid-Hollandse Waard]

9 villages on the south bank of the Maas">Meuse (river)">Maas, in Brabant">North Brabant">Brabant and [Zuid-Holland], in order from west to east

16 villages north of the Maas">Meuse (river)">Maas

Drowned villages in the former [Grote Hollandse Waard] alias Zuid-Hollandse Waard, whose locations are not known

One drowned village in the [Hoekse Waard]

Drowned villages in the [Haarlemmermeer] and other inland lakes

Drowned villages in waters round [Wieringen], listed in records as property of [Fulda] Monastery, late 8th, early 9th century

Other drowned or otherwise lost villages in the Zuiderzee

Drowned villages in east and central [Friesland] and western Groningen">Groningen (province)">Groningen [province]s

Much land was lost when the Lauwerszee formed. It has been reclaimed since.

Drowned villages in Groningen">Groningen (province)">Groningen province