List of sequenced plant genomes

This list of sequenced plant genomes contains plant species known to have publicly available complete genome sequences that have been assembled, annotated and published. Unassembled genomes are not included, nor are organelle only sequences. For all kingdoms, see the list of sequenced genomes.


Unicellular photosynthetic eukaryotes. For a more complete list, see List of sequenced algae genomes.
Organism strainCladeRelevanceGenome sizeNumber of genes predictedOrganizationYear of completionAssembly statusLinks
Aureococcus anophagefferensHeterokontHarmful Algal Bloom50.1 Mb11,522Joint Genome Institute2011The Greenhouse
Auxenochlorella protothecoidesGreen AlgaeBiofuels22.9 Mb7,039Tsinghua University2014The Greenhouse
Bathycoccus prasinos RCC1105Green algaeComparative analysis15 MbJoint Genome Institute2012
Bigelowiella natansSAR 91.4 Mb21,708Dalhousie University2012The Greenhouse
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii CC-503 cw92 mt+Green algaeModel organism111 Mb17,737University of California at Los Angeles2007
Chlorella sorokiniana str. 1228Green AlgaeBiofuels61.4 MbLos Alamos National Lab2018The Greenhouse
Chlorella sorokiniana UTEX 1230Green AlgaeBiofuels58.5 MbLos Alamos National Lab2018The Greenhouse
Chlorella sorokiniana DOE1412Green AlgaeBiofuels57.8 MbLos Alamos National Lab2018The Greenhouse
Chlorella variabilis NC64AGreen algae2010
Chlorella vulgarisGreen AlgaeBiofuels37.3 MbNagoya University1997The Greenhouse
Chondrus crispusRed algae 105 Mb9,606Genoscope/Station Biologique de Roscoff2013
Chrysochromulina parvaHaptophyteBiofuels65.8 MbLos Alamos National Lab2018The Greenhouse
Chrysochromulina tobiniiHaptophyteModel Organism, Biofuels59 Mb16,777Los Alamos National Lab2015The Greenhouse
Coccomyxa subellipsoidea sp. C-169Green algaeModel biofuelJoint Genome Institute2007
Cyanidioschyzon merolae Strain:10DRed algae Photo-autotrophic16.73 Mb5,0172004, 2007
Cyanophora paradoxaGlaucophyteRutgers University2012
Dunaliella salina CCAP19/18Green algaeHalophilic, biofuel and beta-carotene production343.7 Mb16,697Joint Genome Institute2017. Phytozome
Ectocarpus siliculosusBrown algae distantly related to plantsStation Biologique de Roscoff2010
Emiliania huxleyiHaptophyteMarine phytoplankton167.7 Mb39,126Joint Genome Institute2013The Greenhouse
Eudorina sp.Green algaeMulticellular alga, model organism184 Mb
168 Mb
University of Tokyo2018
Galdieria sulphurariaRed algae Thermo-acidophilic 13.7 Mb6,6232005 2005 2013
Guillardia thetaCryptomonadEukaryote Endosymbiosis87.1 MbDalhousie University2012The Greenhouse
Micromonas pusilla CCMP1545Green algaeMarine phytoplanktonJoint Genome Institute2007
Micromonas pusilla RCC299/NOUM17Green algaeMarine phytoplanktonJoint Genome Institute2007
Monoraphidium neglectumGreen AlgaeBiofuels69.7 MbJoint Genome Institute2017The Greenhouse
Nannochloropsis gaditanaSAR Biofuels34.0 MbColorado School of Mines2012The Greenhouse
Nannochloropsis oceanicaSAR Biofuels31.5 MbChinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology2016The Greenhouse
Nannochloropsis Salina CCMP1776SAR Biofuels, Feedstock24.4 MbChinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology2016The Greenhouse
Ostreococcus lucimarinus CCE9901Green algaeSimple eukaryote, small genome13.2 Mb7,7962007
Ostreococcus tauri OTH95Green algaeSimple eukaryote, small genome2006
Ostreococcus sp. RCC809Green algae7,773Joint Genome Institute2008
Phaeodactylum tricornutumSAR 27.4 Mb10,402Diatom Consortium2008The Greenhouse
Picochlorum soloecismus DOE101Green algaeBiofuels15.3 MbLos Alamos National Lab2017The Greenhouse
Picochlorum sp.Green algaeBiofuels13.3 Mb7,367Rutgers University2014The Greenhouse
Porphyridium purpureumRed algae 19.7 Mb8,3552013
Pyropia yezoensisRed algae 43 Mb10,3272013
Saccharina japonicaSAR Brown AlgaeCrop543.4 MbChinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing Institutes of Life Science2015The Greenhouse
Scenedesmus obliquus strain DOE0152ZGreen AlgaeBiofuels210.3 MbBrooklyn College2017The Greenhouse
Tetraselmis sp.Green AlgaeBiofuels228 MbLos Alamos National Lab2018The Greenhouse
Thalassiosira oceanica CCMP1005SAR model organism92.2 Mb34,642The Future Ocean2012
Thalassiosira pseudonanaSAR 32.4 MbDiatom Consortium2009The Greenhouse
Volvox carteriGreen algaeMulticellular alga, model organism~131.2 Mb14,9712010
Yamagishiella unicoccaGreen algaeMulticellular alga, model organism~140 MbThe University of Tokyo2018


[Higher plants] (vascular plants)

Organism strainDivisionRelevanceGenome sizeNumber of genes predictedOrganizationYear of completionAssembly status
Selaginella moellendorffiiLycopodiophytaModel organism2011


Organism strainDivisionRelevanceGenome sizeNumber of genes predictedOrganizationYear of completionAssembly status
Azolla filiculoidesPolypodiophytaFern0.75 Gb20,2012018
Salvinia cucullataPolypodiophytaFern0.26 Gb19,9142018





Organism strainFamilyRelevanceGenome sizeNumber of genes predictedOrganizationYear of completionAssembly status
Beta vulgaris ChenopodiaceaeCrop plant714–758 Mbp27,4212013
Chenopodium quinoaChenopodiaceaeCrop plant1.39–1.50 Gb44,77620173,486 scaffolds, scaffold N50 of 3.84 Mb, 90% of the assembled genome is contained in 439 scaffolds
Amaranthus hypocondriacusAmaranthaceaeCrop plant403.9 Mb23,847201616 large scaffolds from 16.9 to 38.1 Mb. N50 and L50 of the assembly was 24.4 Mb and 7, respectively.
Carnegiea giganteaCactaceaeWild plant1.40 Gb28,292201757,409 scaffolds, scaffold N50 of 61.5 kb
Suaeda aralocaspicaAmaranthaceaePerforms complete C4 photosynthesis within individual cells 467 Mb29,604ABLife Inc.20194,033 scaffolds, scaffold N50 length of 1.83 Mb
Simmondsia chinensis SimmondsiaceaeOilseed Crop887 Mb23,4902020994 scaffolds, scaffold N50 length of 5.2 Mb
Organism strainFamilyRelevanceGenome sizeNumber of genes predictedNo of chromosomesOrganizationYear of completionAssembly status
Sclerocarya birrea
AnacardiaceaeUsed for food18,3972018
Betula pendula BetulaceaeBoreal forest tree, model for forest biotechnology435 Mbp28,39914University of Helsinki2017454/Illumina/PacBio. Assembly size 435 Mbp. Contig N50: 48,209 bp, scaffold N50: 239,796 bp. 89% of the assembly mapped to 14 pseudomolecules. Additionally 150 birch individuals sequenced.
Betula nana BetulaceaeArctic shrub450 Mbp2013
Aethionema arabicumBrassicaceaeComparative analysis of crucifer genomes2013
Arabidopsis lyrata ssp. lyrata strain MN47BrassicaceaeModel plant206.7 Mbp32,670820118.3X sequence coverage, analyzed on ABI 3730XL capillary sequencers
Arabidopsis thaliana Ecotype:ColumbiaBrassicaceaeModel plant135 Mbp27,6555AGI2000
Barbarea vulgaris
BrassicaceaeModel plant for specialised metabolites and plant defenses167.7 Mbp25,3508201766.5 X coverage with Illumina GA II technology
Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis accession Chiifu-401-42BrassicaceaeAssorted crops and model organism485 Mbp41,174 10The Brassica rapa Genome Sequencing Project Consortium201172X coverage of paired short read sequences generated by Illumina GA II technology
Brassica napus European winter oilseed cultivar ‘Darmor-bzh'BrassicaceaeCrops1130 Mbp101,04019Institutional Collaboration2014454 GS-FLX+ Titanium and Sanger sequencing. Correction and gap filling used 79 Gb of Illumina HiSeq sequence.
Capsella rubellaBrassicaceaeClose relative of Arabidopsis thaliana130 Mbp26,521JGI2013? 2013
Cardamine hirsuta strain ‘Oxford’BrassicaceaeA model system for studies in evolution of plant development198 Mbp29,4588Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Köln, Germany2016Shotgun sequencing strategy, combining paired end reads and mate pair reads from Illumina HiSeq.
Eutrema salsugineumBrassicaceaeA relative of arabidopsis with high salt tolerance240 Mbp26,351JGI2013
Eutrema parvulumBrassicaceaeComparative analysis of crucifer genomes2013
Leavenworthia alabamicaBrassicaceaeComparative analysis of crucifer genomes2013
Sisymbrium irioBrassicaceaeComparative analysis of crucifer genomes2013
Thellungiella parvulaBrassicaceaeA relative of arabidopsis with high salt tolerance2011
Cannabis sativa CannabaceaeHemp and marijuana productionca 820 Mbp30,074 based on transcriptome assembly and clustering2011Illumina/454
scaffold N50 16.2 Kbp
Carica papaya CaricaceaeFruit crop372 Mbp28,6292008contig N50 11kbp
scaffold N50
total coverage ~3x
92.1% unigenes mapped
235Mbp anchored
Casuarina equisetifolia
Casuarinaceaebonsai subject300 Mbp29,8272018
Kalanchoë fedtschenkoi Raym.-Hamet & H. PerrierKalanchoeCrassulaceaeMolecular genetic model for obligate CAM species in the eudicots256 Mbp30,964342017~70× paired-end reads and ~37× mate-pair reads generated using an Illumina MiSeq platform.
Rhodiola crenulata CrassulaceaeUses for medicine and food344.5 Mb35,5172017
Citrullus lanatus CucurbitaceaeVegetable cropca 425 Mbp23,440BGI2012Illumina
coverage 108.6x
contig N50 26.38 kbp
Scaffold N50 2.38 Mbp
genome covered 83.2%
~97% ESTs mapped
Cucumis melo DHL92CucurbitaceaeVegetable crop450 Mbp27,4272012454
13.5x coverage
contig N50: 18.1kbp
scaffold N50: 4.677 Mbp
Cucumis sativus 'Chinese long' inbred line 9930CucurbitaceaeVegetable crop350 Mbp 367 Mbp 26,6822009contig N50 19.8kbp
scaffold N50 1,140kbp
total coverage ~72.2
96.8% unigenes mapped
72.8% of the genome anchored
Cucurbita argyrosperma
CucurbitaceaeVegetable crop228.8 Mbp28,29820National Autonomous University of Mexico2019contig N50 463 kbp
scaffold N50 620 kbp
total coverage ~151x
Siraitia grosvenorii
CucurbitaceaeChinese medicine/sweetener456.5 Mbp30,565Anhui Agricultural University2018
Hevea brasiliensis Euphorbiaceaethe most economically important member of the genus Hevea2013
Jatropha curcas PalawanEuphorbiaceaebio-diesel crop2011
Manihot esculenta EuphorbiaceaeHumanitarian importance~760 Mb30,666JGI2012
Ricinus communis EuphorbiaceaeOilseed crop320 Mbp31,237JCVI2010Sanger coverage~4.6x contig N50 21.1 kbp scaffold N50 496.5kbp
Ammopiptanthus nanusFabaceaeOnly genus of evergreen broadleaf shrub889 Mb37,1882018
Cajanus cajan var. AshaFabaceaeModel legume2012
Arachis duranensis accession V14167FabaceaeWild ancestor of peanut, an oilseed and grain legume crop2016Illumina 154x coverage, contig N50 22 kbp, scaffold N50 948 kbp
Arachis ipaensis accession K30076FabaceaeWild ancestor of peanut, an oilseed and grain legume crop2016Illumina 163x coverage, contig N50 23 kbp, scaffold N50 5,343 kbp
Cicer arietinum Fabaceaefilling2013
Cicer arietinum L. Fabaceae2013
Faidherbia albida
FabaceaeImportante in the Sahel for raising bees28,9792018
Glycine max var. Williams 82FabaceaeProtein and oil crop1115 Mbp46,4302010Contig N50:189.4kbp
Scaffold N50:47.8Mbp
Sanger coverage ~8x
955.1 Mbp assembled
Lablab purpureus
FabaceaeCrop for human consumption20,9462018
Lotus japonicus FabaceaeModel legume2008
Medicago truncatula FabaceaeModel legume2011
Phaseolus vulgaris FabaceaeModel bean520 Mbp31,638JGI2013?
Vigna subterranea
Fabaceaesimilar to peanuts31,7072018
Castanea mollissima Fagaceaecultivated nut785.53 Mb36,479Beijing University of Agriculture2019Illumina: ∼42.7×
PacBio: ∼87×
contig N50: 944,000bp
Carya illinoinensis
Junglandaceaesnacks in various recipes651.31 Mb2019
Juglans regia Junglandaceaecultivated nut540 MbChinese Academy of Forestry2020
Juglans sigillata Junglandaceaecultivated nut536.50 MbNanjing Forestry University2020Illumina+Nanopore+bionano
scaffold N50: 16.43 Mb, contig N50: 4.34 Mb
Linum usitatissimum LinaceaeCrop~350 Mbp43,384BGI et al.2012
Bombax ceiba
Malvaceaecapsules with white fibre like cotton895 Mb2018
Durio zibethinus MalvaceaeTropical fruit tree~738 Mbp2017
Gossypium raimondiiMalvaceaeOne of the putative progenitor species of tetraploid cotton2013?
Theobroma cacao MalvaceaeFlavouring crop2010
Theobroma cacao cv. Matina 1-6MalvaceaeMost widely cultivated cacao type2013
Theobroma cacao Malvaceaedomestication history of cacao2018
Azadirachta indica MeliaceaeSource of number of Terpenoids, including biopesticide azadirachtin, Used in Traditional Medicine364 Mbp~200002012 and 2011Illumina GAIIx, scaffold N50 of 452028bp, Transcriptome data from Shoot, Root, Leaf, Flower and Seed
Moringa oleifera
Moringaceaetraditional herbal medicine18,4512018
Eucalyptus grandis MyrtaceaeFibre and timber crop691.43 Mb2011
Eucalyptus pauciflora MyrtaceaeFibre and timber crop594.87 MbANU2020Nanopore + Illumina; contig N50: 3.23 Mb
C. cathayensis
Rosaceaefruit crop706.43 Mb2019
Eriobotrya japonica RosaceaeFruit tree760.1 Mb45,743Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences2020Illumina+Nanopore+Hi-C
17 chromosomes, scaffold N50: 39.7 Mb
Fragaria vesca RosaceaeFruit crop240 Mbp34,8092011scaffold N50: 1.3 Mbp
39x coverage
Malus domestica "Golden Delicious"RosaceaeFruit crop~742.3 Mbp57,3862010contig N50 13.4
scaffold N50 1,542.7
total coverage ~16.9x
71.2% anchored
Prunus amygdalus RosaceaeFruit crop2013?
Prunus avium cv. StellaRosaceaeFruit crop2013?
Prunus mume RosaceaeFruit crop2012
Prunus persica RosaceaeFruit crop265 Mbp27,8522013Sanger coverage:8.47x
ca 99% ESTs mapped
215.9 Mbp in pseudomolecules
Pyrus bretschneideri cv. DangshansuliRosaceaeFruit crop2012
Pyrus communis cv. Doyenne du ComiceRosaceaeFruit crop2013?
Rubus occidentalis
RosaceaeFruit crop290 Mbp2018
Citrus clementina RutaceaeFruit crop2013?
Citrus sinensis RutaceaeFruit crop2013?, 2013
Populus trichocarpa SalicaceaeCarbon sequestration, model tree, timber510 Mbp 485 Mbp 73,013 2006Scaffold N50: 19.5 Mbp
Contig N50:552.8 Kbp
>=95 % cDNA found
Populus pruinosa
Salicaceaefarming and rancing479.3 Mbp35,1312017
Acer yangbienseSapindaceaeFruit crop110 Gb28,3202019
Dimocarpus longan SapindaceaeFruit crop471.88 Mb2017
Xanthoceras sorbifolium Bunge SapindaceaeFruit Crop504.2 Mb24,6722019
Aquilaria sinensis ThymelaeaceaeFragrant wood726.5 Mb29,2032020Illumina+nanopore+Hi-C, scaffold N50: 88.78 Mb
Vitis vinifera genotype PN40024Vitaceaefruit crop2007


Other non-grasses

Press releases announcing sequencing

Not meeting criteria of the first paragraph of this article in being nearly full sequences with high quality, published, assembled and publicly available. This list includes species where sequences are announced in press releases or websites, but not in a data-rich publication in a refereed peer-review journal with DOI.