List of seaweeds of South Africa

This is a list of seaweeds recorded from the oceans bordering South Africa.
This list comprises locally used common names, scientific names with author citation and recorded ranges. Ranges specified may not be the entire known range for the species, but should include the known range within the waters surrounding the Republic of South Africa.
List ordering and taxonomy complies where possible with the current usage in Algaebase, and may differ from the cited source, as listed citations are primarily for range or existence of records for the region.
Sub-taxa within any given taxon are arranged alphabetically as a general rule.
Details of each species may be available through the relevant internal links. Synonyms may be listed where useful.

Kingdom: [Plantae] — Division: [Chlorophyta] — Green seaweeds

Class: [Bryopsidophyceae]

Order: [Bryopsidales]

Family: [Bryopsidaceae]

Order: [Chaetophorales]

Family: [Chaetophoraceae]

Order [Dasycladales]

Family [Dasycladaceae]

Order [Siphonocladales]

Family [Siphonocladaceae]

Order: [Cladophorales]

Family [Anadyomenaceae]
Family: [Acrosiphoniaceae]
Family: [Ulotrichaceae]
Family: [Ulvaceae]

Order: [Cutleriales]

Family [Cutleriaceae]

Family [Desmarestiaceae]

Family [Dictyotaceae]

Family: [Acinetosporaceae]

Family [Bifurcariopsidaceae]

Family [Laminariaceae]

Family [Neoralfsiaceae]

Family [Splachnidiaceae]

Family [Sphacelariaceae]

Family [Sporochnaceae]

Geographical position of places mentioned in species ranges