;Transcendental Generation • : Henry Sewell, Alfred Domett, William Fox, George Grey, Frederick Whitaker, Daniel Pollen, Edward Stafford ;Gilded Generation • : Frederick Weld, George Waterhouse, John Hall, Harry Atkinson, Julius Vogel, John Ballance ;Progressive Generation • : Robert Stout, Richard Seddon, William Hall-Jones, Francis Bell, Thomas Mackenzie, William Massey, Joseph Ward ;Missionary Generation • : George Forbes, Michael Joseph Savage, Gordon Coates ;Lost Generation • : Walter Nash, Peter Fraser, Sidney Holland ;Greatest Generation • : Keith Holyoake, Jack Marshall, Robert Muldoon, Norman Kirk ;Silent Generation • : Bill Rowling, Jim Bolger ;Baby Boom Generation • : Geoffrey Palmer, David Lange, Mike Moore, Helen Clark, Jenny Shipley, John Key, Bill English ;Generation X • : Jacinda Ardern
Born in same year or same date
In same year
William Fox, George Grey, and Frederick Whitaker were all born in 1812
George Waterhouse and John Hall were both born in 1824
William Hall-Jones and Francis Bell were both born in 1851
William Massey and Joseph Ward were both born in 1856
Geoffrey Palmer and David Lange were both born in 1942
John Key and Bill English were both born in 1961
On the same date
Only one date, 23 April, has been the birthday of more than one Prime Minister—Frederick Whitaker and Edward Stafford. The birthday problem indicates that, on average, a birthday will be shared after about 25 Prime Ministers have served. The Whitaker–Stafford birthday coincidence, the only one to date, occurred after only five distinct Prime Ministers had served.
Most and least births by month
Born before predecessor(s)
4th Prime Minister Alfred Domett 5th Prime Minister Frederick Whitaker 9th Prime Minister Daniel Pollen 10th Prime Minister Harry Atkinson 11th Prime Minister George Grey 12th Prime Minister John Hall 14th Prime Minister John Ballance 18th Prime Minister Thomas Mackenzie 19th Prime Minister William Massey 20th Prime Minister Francis Bell 22nd Prime Minister George Forbes 23rd Prime Minister Michael Joseph Savage 27th Prime Minister Walter Nash 31st Prime Minister Robert Muldoon 33rd Prime Minister Geoffrey Palmer 35th Prime Minister Jim Bolger 37th Prime Minister Helen Clark
George IV William IV Victoria Edward VII George V George VI Elizabeth II
Governor-General at time of birth
George Grey Thomas Gore Browne George Bowen Marquess of Normanby Arthur Hamilton-Gordon William Jervois Earl of Glasgow Earl of Ranfurly Baron Islington Earl Jellicoe Sir Charles Fergusson Viscount Galway Sir Cyril Newall Baron Freyberg Viscount Cobham Keith Holyoake
Prime Minister at time of birth
William Fox George Grey John Hall Harry Atkinson Richard Seddon Joseph Ward William Massey Gordon Coates George Forbes Peter Fraser Sidney Holland Keith Holyoake Robert Muldoon