List of power stations in Western Australia
This is a list of active power stations in Western Australia. Candidates for this list must already be commissioned and capable of generating 1 MW or more of electricity.
Coal fired
These fossil fuel power stations burn coal to power steam turbines that generate some or all of the electricity they produce.Total max. capacity: 2317 MW
Power station | Max. Capacity | Turbines | Coal Type | Mine type | Conveyance | Cooling Water |
Bluewaters | 416 MW | 2 | bituminous | open cut | conveyor | fresh |
Collie | 300 MW | 1 | bituminous | open cut | conveyor | fresh |
Kwinana | 640 MW | 4 | bituminous | open cut | rail, conveyor, road | seawater |
Muja | 854 MW | 4 | bituminous | open cut | conveyor | fresh |
Worsley Alumina Power Station | 107 MW | 4 | bituminous | open cut | rail | fresh |
Gas turbine
These gas turbine power stations use gas combustion to generate some or all of the electricity they produce.Total max. capacity: 4314 MW
Power station | Capacity | Turbines | Fuel type | Combined cycle |
Cape Lambert | 105 | 3 | natural gas | no |
Cape Preston | 450 | 7 | natural gas | yes |
Cawse | 21 | 4 | natural gas | no |
Cockburn | 240 | 2 | natural gas | yes |
Dampier | 120 | 3 | natural gas | no |
Esperance | 33 | 4 | natural gas | no |
Kambalda | 42 | 1 | natural gas | no |
Kalgoorlie | 42 | 1 | natural gas | no |
Kemerton | 260.9 | 2 | natural gas | no |
Kwinana | 21 | 1 | natural gas | no |
Kwinana Cogeneration Plant - Kwinana Oil Refinery | 120 | 3 | natural gas | yes |
Kwinana - NewGen | 320 | 1 | natural gas | yes |
Kwinana - Tiwest | 36 | 1 | natural gas | no |
Leinster | 42 | 1 | natural gas | no |
Merredin | 82 | 2 | natural gas/diesel | no |
Mount Keith | 67 | 2 | natural gas | no |
Mungarra | 112 | 3 | natural gas | no |
Murrin Murrin | 76 | 3 | natural gas | yes |
Neerabup | 330 | 2 | natural gas | no |
Newman | 170 | 4 | natural gas/diesel | no |
Parkeston | 110 | 3 | natural gas/diesel | no |
Pinjar | 576 | 9 | natural gas/diesel | no |
Pinjarra Alumina Refinery, Alcoa Australia / AGL | 280 | 2 | natural gas | No |
Port Hedland | 175 | 5 | natural gas/diesel | no |
Paraburdoo | 155 | 4 | natural gas | no |
South Hedland | 155 | 3 | natural gas/diesel | yes |
Telfer Gold Mine, Newcrest Mining | 135 | 3 | natural gas | no |
Worsley Alumina Power Station | 120 | 1 | natural gas | yes |
Gas (thermal)
These power stations use gas combustion to power steam turbines that generate some or all of the electricity they produce.Total max. capacity: 274 MW
Power station | Max. Capacity | Turbines | Fuel type |
Capel | 6.5 | 1 | waste gas |
Kwinana Alumina Refinery, Alcoa Australia | 74.5 | 7 | natural gas |
Pinjarra Alumina Refinery, Alcoa Australia | 95 | 4 | natural gas |
Wagerup Alumina Refinery, Alcoa Australia | 98 | 4 | natural gas |
Gas (reciprocating)
These power stations use gas combustion in reciprocating engines to generate some or all of the electricity they produce.Total max. capacity: 108 MW
Power station | Max. Capacity | Engines | Fuel type |
Atlas | 1.1 | 1 | landfill gas |
Canning Vale | 4 | 1 | landfill gas |
Carnarvon | 15.27 | 3 | natural gas |
Dongara | 1.6 | 3 | natural gas |
Henderson | 2.13 | 1 | landfill gas |
Jundee | 13.2 | 6 | natural gas |
Kalamunda | 1.9 | 1 | landfill gas |
Kelvin Road, Gosnells | 2 | 2 | landfill gas |
Leonora | 3.2 | 5 | natural gas |
Millar Road, Rockingham | 1.6 | 2 | landfill gas |
Mount Magnet | 1.9 | 1 | natural gas |
Plutonic | 16 | 4 | natural gas |
Red Hill | 3.65 | 1 | landfill gas |
South Cardup | 3.3 | 3 | landfill gas |
Tamala Park | 4.65 | 1 | landfill gas |
Wiluna | 9 4 sets operational | 3 | natural gas |
Windimurra | 13 | 4 | natural gas |
Wodgina Tantalum Mine | 56 | 28 | natural gas |
Woodman Point | 1.8 | 3 | sewage gas |
These hydroelectric power stations use the flow of water to generate some or all of the electricity they produce.Total max. capacity: 32 MW
Power station | Max. Capacity | Turbines | Pumped storage |
Ord River Hydro | 30 MW | 4 | no |
Wind farms
These wind farm power stations use the power of the wind to generate some or all of the electricity they produce.Total max. capacity: 457 MW
Power station | Max. Capacity | Turbines |
Albany | 21.6 | 12 |
Alinta | 90 | 54 |
Collgar Wind Farm | 206 | 111 |
Emu Downs | 79.2 | 48 |
Mumbida Wind Farm | 55 | 22 |
Nine Mile Beach | 3.6 | 6 |
Ten Mile Lagoon | 2.03 | 9 |
Warradarge Wind Farm | 180 | 51 |
Biomass combustion
These power stations burn biomass to generate some or all of the electricity they produce.Total max. capacity: 6 MW
Power station | Max. Capacity | Turbines | Fuel Type | Conveyance |
Ord Sugar Mill, Kununurra | 6 MW | 1 | bagasse | on-site |
Solar Photovoltaic
These power stations use a semiconductor device that converts sunlight into electricity.Total max. capacity: 30 MW
Power station | Max. Capacity | Solar Panels |
Emu Downs Solar Farm | 20 MW | 75,000 |
Greenough River Solar Farm | 10 MW | 150,000 |